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The page corresponding to the latest stable release can be seen in the Jelix 1.8 Manual

jForms is a form system which makes easier the creation of forms. Forms are described in an XML file, and used throughout an API and template-plugins. it allows you to automatically :

  • generate the HTML form, by displaying required fields, help etc, and in a flexible manner
  • display labels in an accessible manner
  • generate javascript validation script
  • validate data in the server side
  • display verbose error-reporting and helper messages
  • manage several instances of a form at the same time - allowing to edit several records at the same time
  • initialize a form from one or several DAO's data (with inputs, listbox, radios etc ...)
  • save data with DAOs
  • save uploaded files.
  • generate other types of forms (with ajax, XForms etc ...) using some jforms plugins
  • support complex field like native captcha-fields, Wysiwyg editing field, groups, complex choices and so on..
  • modify dynamically the form (add, remove, modify some controls)

jForms includes three distinct parts:

jForms generates an object (which inherits from jFormsBase) from the XML description, allowing to initialize the form's contents, to save it, to add/remove some controls etc ... The object contains all the input in it's properties.

The jForms object is also used by template-plugins to display the appropriate HTML elements.