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jWiki is a class transforming wiki text to other formats. XHTML for example. This class inherits from Wikirenderer version 3.1.

In order to transform, Wikirenderer needs some precise objects, which grouped together become the transform rules.

There are a bunch of transform rules already bundled with jelix (see lib/wikirenderer/rules/). For instance, wr3_to_xhtml allows to transform wiki (wr3 syntax) into XHTML. It is also possible to transform dokuwiki code into XHTML, or mediawiki into docbook. All combinations are possible. you only need to give or develop the good set of transform rules.

To use jWiki, just instantiate it with a transform rules name. If you want to transform wiki "wr3" into XHTML, just do:

   $wr = new jWiki('wr3_to_xhtml');
   $xhtml = $wr->render($wiki_text);

transform rules delivered with Jelix are in lib/wikirenderer/rules, but you can add your own set in your_app/plugins/wr_rules/. Note: remember to activate app:plugins repository in your configuration, if you intend to do so.

If you store your own transform rules into your_app/plugins/wr_rules/, each transform rules should be in its own directory, like any jelix plugins. So, if you have a "superwiki_to_xhtml" rule, you have to store its source code into the file your_app/plugins/wr_rules/superwiki_to_xhtml/superwiki_to_xhtml.rule.php. In this file you should have a class superwiki_to_xhtml inheriting from WikiRendererConfig or the class of an other rule.

For more informations, browse the Wikirenderer Documentation.