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List of authentication drivers delivered with Jelix
Db ¶
Db driver authenticates users through database infos. This driver relies on a Dao which has to be indicated in authentication config. file:
driver= Db
dao = "mymodule~mydao"
password_crypt_function = "md5"
- *dao** option value must be a dao selector. You can of course use the dao provided by module jauth :
dao = "jauth~jelixuser"
But if you select one of your dao, be aware: it must have the properties "login" and "password" and define the following methods (See jelixuser dao of jauth for an example):
- getByLoginPassword (login, password)
- getByLogin(login)
- updatePassword(login,password)
- deleteByLogin(login)
- findByLogin(pattern)
Mandatory : database table associated with the dao must have "login" field as primary key.
You can add any other properties and methods to the dao.
- *password_crypt_function option selects which encrypt function jAuth will use for passwords. You can define your own encrypt function (implementing it in application.init.php for example) and assign password_crypt_function** with your function name.
Example ¶
Imagine this table structure ( mysql script) :
CREATE TABLE `jlx_user` (
`usr_login` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`usr_password` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`usr_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`usr_login`)
jlx_user has "usr_login" as its primary key and has "usr_password" field. the dao associated for authentication could be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dao xmlns="http://jelix.org/ns/dao/1.0">
<primarytable name="usr" realname="jlx_user" primarykey="usr_login" />
<property name="login" fieldname="usr_login"
required="yes" datatype="string" maxlength="50" />
<property name="email" fieldname="usr_email"
datatype="string" required="yes" maxlength="255" />
<property name="password" fieldname="usr_password" datatype="string"
maxlength="50" selectmotif="%s" updatemotif="" insertmotif="%s" />
<method name="getByLoginPassword" type="selectfirst">
<parameter name="login" />
<parameter name="password" />
<eq property="login" expr="$login" />
<eq property="password" expr="$password" />
<method name="getByLogin" type="selectfirst">
<parameter name="login" />
<eq property="login" expr="$login" />
<method name="updatePassword" type="update">
<parameter name="login" />
<parameter name="password" />
<value property="password" expr="$password"/>
<eq property="login" expr="$login" />
<method name="deleteByLogin" type="delete">
<parameter name="login" />
<eq property="login" expr="$login" />
<method name="findByLogin" type="select">
<parameter name="pattern" />
<like property="login" expr="$pattern" />
<orderitem property="login" way="asc" />
<method name="findAll" type="select">
<orderitem property="login" way="asc" />
Say you have stored this dao in foo mdule under the name user.dao.xml, your auth.plugin.ini.php should be:
driver= Db
dao = "foo~user"
password_crypt_function = "md5"
Class ¶
Class driver is more a multiverse driver compared to Db driver. You just have to assign a class to it, in which you do... what you want! Except that it has to implement jIAuthDriverClass interface. This class is considered as other business classes and therefore should be located in classes folder of one of your modules.
auth.plugin.ini.php would declare :
driver= Class
class = "mymodule~myclass"
password_crypt_function = "md5"
This driver relies on a LDS server. An LDS has an XML-RPC API. This driver authenticates through calls to this API.
auth.plugin.ini.php for a LDS driver:
driver= LDS
login= foo
password= bar
scheme= https
LDS driver will call foo.com through port 80, with login foo and password bar, over a secured https connection.
Create a driver ¶
If you have your own authentication system and you want to integrate it to Jelix, you will have to create your own driver.
authentication drivers creation page will give you an overview.
Once you are done, consider contributing it to Jelix. It will be gladly welcomed :-).