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a jResponseTcpdf object is delivered with jelix 1.0 package. It allows to generate a PDF and is based onTCPDF class (which enhances the famous FPDF).

Download and Install

jResponseTcpdf requires fonts to work. Those are downloadable form jelix.org website here (As the fonts package weighs big, it is not bundled with jelix package). When download install them in lib/pdf-fonts/.

Use it in an action

  $rep = $this->getResponse('tcpdf');

  $rep->outputFileName = 'article.pdf';
  $rep->doDownload = true;

  // initialise l'objet tcpdf
  $rep->tcpdf->SetTitle('un titre');
  $rep->tcpdf->Text(10,10,'un texte');
  return $rep;

tcpdf member of the response is simply a TCPDF object. See TCPDF documentation about its use and its API.

If you want to overload some tcpdf methods, you can use your own object. Example:

  $rep = $this->getResponse('tcpdf');

  $rep->outputFileName = 'article.pdf';
  $rep->doDownload = true;

  // initialize l'objet tcpdf
  $rep->tcpdf = new MyTcPdf();
  $rep->tcpdf->SetTitle('un titre');
  $rep->tcpdf->Text(10,10,'un texte');
  return $rep;

MyTcPdf of course shall inherit from TCPDF.