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A CRUD controller is provided by Jelix : jControllerDaoCrud.

CRUD acronym means "Create, Read, Update, Delete". As a result, jControllerDaoCrud defines all actions needed to list records and to individually read, update, create or delete one of them.

All you have to specify is a jDao and a jForm selector. With that, jControllerDaoCrud will offer you a full operational interface to manage the content of an SQL result set.

This is a must to quickly create admin interfaces.

This controller only works with tables whom primary key is composed of one field. If your table has a primary key composed of two fields you have to use jControllerDaoCrudDfk. Other cases, code your own controller.

Creating a CRUD

To use all possibilities of the CRUD controller, you have to create a controller in your module, which inherits from jControllerDaoCrud.

Example, in a samplecrud.classic.php file:

class sampleCrudCtrl extends jControllerDaoCrud {


Then, you have to specify a jDao selector, which maps the result set you want to manage. And also a jForm selector to edit your records through a form:

class sampleCrudCtrl extends jControllerDaoCrud {

    protected $dao = 'testapp~products';

    protected $form = 'testapp~products';


that's all folks ! hard isn't it ;-)

imagine this controller is in a "main" module, display the page:


and you can now manage/administrate all your products.

Essential : the CRUD controller uses the common "html" response. So, you have to create a custom response object. If you don't do it, nothing will appear in your browser. If you don't want to create such a response, you have to redefine the _getResponse() method (see below).

Note : You can also use the command createdaocrud which allows to create the controller, the dao and the form in the same time, just by indicating the table name.

php jelix.php --myapp createdaocrud the_module the_table

See the help of this command to know options (php jelix.php help createdaocrud).

Customizing the CRUD controller

You certainly have some things to change in the controller, because it doesn't fit exactly to your needs. The CRUD controller can be customize by setting some properties or overriding some methods.

Setting the jDb profile

If a specific profile should be selected, set the $dbProfile value:

  protected $dbProfile = 'admin';

Setting the response

By default, the controller retrieves the "html" response defined in your jelix configuration (so, a custom html response if you have one).

this is done in the _getResponse() method of the CRUD controller:

    protected function _getResponse(){
        return $this->getResponse('html');

This response is used by all actions of the controller.

As you can see, nothing else is done on the response (except that, in each action, an assignment of a "MAIN" template variable with the content of a CRUD page). So, no style sheets, no declaration of a main template (bodyTpl) or anything else. The controller expect to have a response already configured and declared in the configuration (by yourself).

If you want to change this, redefine this method and change what you want. Example:

    protected function _getResponse(){
        $rep = $this->getResponse('html');
        $rep->body->assignZone('menu', 'adminmenu');
        return $rep;

As a result, all pages of the controller, will include an admin.css stylesheet and an admin menu.

If you want to customize a response of particular actions, you can redefine those methods:

  • _index($resp, $tpl): for listing records page
  • _view($form, $resp, $tpl): for details of a record
  • _create($form, $resp, $tpl) : for editing a new record
  • _editUpdate($form, $resp, $tpl): for editing an existing record

In each of these methods, you can modify the response object passed as parameter ($resp).

Setting the form

jControllerDaoCrud uses a jForm form to add new record or edit existing record. If you want to modify dynamically the content of the form (adding or removing some controls...), you can redefine two methods, _createForm and _getForm. Those methods should call respectively jForms::create() and jForms::get() (You mustn't call jForms::fill()).

By default, this methods are:

    protected function _createForm($formId = null) {
        return jForms::create($this->form, $formId);

    protected function _getForm($formId = null) {
        return jForms::get($this->form, $formId);

If you want to modify the form in specific actions, you can redefine _view, _create and _editUpdate methods already described above.

Setting templates

Default templates used in actions of the controller are defined by this properties:

    protected $listTemplate = 'jelix~crud_list';
    protected $editTemplate = 'jelix~crud_edit';
    protected $viewTemplate = 'jelix~crud_view';

You can overload those templates in the default theme, or you can change their values to select templates of your own.

Variables of template

See the source of default templates (in lib/jelix/core-modules/jelix/templates) to have a comple list of template variables.

here are the specific variables of list template :

  • list: result set list (returned by the dao)
  • primarykey: name of the primary key
  • properties: list of dao properties to be displayed
  • controls: list of controls of the jforms form, so you can get each fields label
  • listPageSize: value of $listPageSize member
  • page: value of "offset" url parameter, which is the number of the first displayed record in list
  • recordCount: count number of all records
  • offsetParameterName: name of offset parameter in the url (value of $offsetParameterName property)

Adding other variables

If you want to transmit some additional variables to a template, you can redefine _index, _view, _create and _editUpdate methods (already described above). In these methods use the jTpl api over given $tpl object (a jTpl object) to assign new values.

Assign CRUD action responses to a specific template variable

Each action of the CRUD controller which displays a HTML page, assign their specific content to MAIN template variable, like so:

    $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $resultatTemplateAction);

If your main template does not have a MAIN template variable, you can pick one of your own default response and indicate its name in $templateAssign property:

class sampleCrudCtrl extends jControllerDaoCrud {
    protected $templateAssign = 'MYMAIN_VARIABLE';

Page: Record list

Displayed by index action. You can use some specific properties of the controller to configure its list display.

Number of record per page

This is the property $listPageSize :

    protected $listPageSize = 20;

List of the record fields

By default, all DAO fields are displayed. If you want to display only some of them, setup the propertiesForList property:

    protected $propertiesForList = array('title','date_create','author');

Order and criteria controlling list display

To indicate an order in the record list :

    protected $propertiesForRecordsOrder = array('date'=>'desc', 'title'=>'asc');

array keys must correspond to dao properties name.

If it isn't enough, you can redefine the method _indexSetConditions(), which accept a jDaoConditions object. There, you can setup this object to specify your criteria or order of choice.

Advanced configuration of the list

index method call protected method _index, which you can redefine to finish customizing list display. _index receives the response object and the template object. So you can specify additional things on the response, and define other template variables on the template.

Page: create a record

Displayed by precreate, create and savecreate actions .

precreate prepares the form and redirects to create action. create action displays the new record form, and submits data to savecreate action. The latter checks submitted data, and stores it if all constraints are verified.

In addition to _create method described above, you can overload this set of methods to customize your action :

  • _preCreate($form): to prepare the form just after its creation.
  • _checkData($form, $calltype): to check some additional constraints. This method is also called by saveupdate, see below.
  • _beforeSaveCreate($form, $form_daorec): to do additional stuff just before saving a new record.
  • _afterCreate($form, $id, $resp): to do additional stuff after saving a new record.

Page: update a record

Displayed by preupdate, editupdate and saveupdate actions.

preupdate creates a form and fill it with current record data, then redirects to editupdate action. editupdate action displays the created form and current record can be edited. form data are submitted to saveupdate action. The latter action checks form submitted content and stores data if all constraints are verified.

Like in previous section, you can overload some methods:

  • _preUpdate($form): to prepare the form just after its creation.
  • _checkData($form, $calltype): to verify additional constraints. This method is also called by savecreate.
  • _beforeSaveUpdate($form, $form_daorec, $id): to do additional stuff just before saving the edited record.
  • _afterUpdate($form, $id, $resp): to do additional stuff after saving the edited record.

Page: delete of a record

Displayed by delete action. This one calls _delete method which you can overlaod.

Configuring URLs

If you have activated significant URLs, here is the content that you can add to your urls.xml file in your module. Here the controller is "mycrud", and we want urls that begin with "/thedata/".

<url pathinfo="/thedata/" action="mycrud:index" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/view/:id" action="mycrud:view" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/precreate" action="mycrud:precreate" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/create" action="mycrud:create" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/savecreate" action="mycrud:savecreate" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/preedit/:id" action="mycrud:preupdate" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/edit/:id" action="mycrud:editupdate" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/save/:id" action="mycrud:saveupdate" />
<url pathinfo="/thedata/delete/:id" action="mycrud:delete" />

So, for a crud controller, you have to define 9 URLs.