− Table of content
It adds a SWF with Javascript method.
Example: {swfjs 'promobidon.swf', array('id'=>'promo3', 'width'=>150, 'height'=>90, 'version'=>'8'), array('quality'=>'high', 'wmode'=>'transparent'), array('longeur'=>150)} {image 'whirligig.png'} {/swfjs}
<div id="promo3">
<embed width="150" height="90" wmode="transparent" quality="high"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="/promobidon.swf"
pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="length=150"/>
The js script ¶
Be sure you have the javascript file in your directory: 'url_to_jelix_www/jquery/flash/jquery.flash.js'
Parameters ¶
First parameter - URL ¶
{swf 'promobidon.swf', ..., ..., ...}
The first parameter is the relative path of the swf file to display. It is relative to “myapp/www/”.
Second parameter - Attributes ¶
{swf ..., array('id'=>'promo1', 'width'=>150, 'height'=>90), ..., ...}
The second parameter is a table that can have several different attributes:
- id: the identifier for the <object …/> tag
- class: the different classes associated to the <object …/> tag
- width: the width of the displayed flash animation
- height: the height of the displayed flash animation
- version: (ex: '6.0.65') Checks compatibility with installed Flash player
- expressinstall : (true:Bool) Uses expressinstall to provide Flash Player updates if necessary.
- OR update: (false:Bool) Make animation silent if the Flash Player is not installed with the necessary version.
Third parameter - Flash player parameters ¶
{swf ..., ..., array('quality'=>'high', 'wmode'=>'transparent'), ...}
Flash player parameters.
- quality: sets the quality of the animation
Fourth parameter - FlashVars ¶
{swf ..., ..., ..., array('length'=>150)}
FlashVars are variables passed to Flash animation They are passed to SWF throughout GET.
Content ¶
{image 'whirligig.png'}
The content between tags {swf ...} here you can put alternative html {/swf} will be added as alternative content in between <object .../> tags.