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The wiki editor provides a toolbar for easy formatting of the text.

for this, MarkItUp has been integrated.

Editor Configuration

In the file mainconfig.ini.php we will add:

default.engine.name = wr3
default.wiki.rules = wr3_to_xhtml
; path to the engine file
default.engine.file = jelix/markitup/jquery.markitup.js
; define the path to the "internationalized" file to translate the label of each button
default.config.path = jelix/markitup/sets/wr3/
; define the path to the image of buttons of the toolbar
default.image.path = jelix/markitup/sets/wr3/images/
default.skin = jelix/markitup/skins/simple/style.css

where :

  • "default" is the name of the editor
  • default.engine.name is the name of the engine, used for the render
  • default.wiki.rules is the name of the rules transformation
  • default.engine.file is the path to the markitup javascript
  • default.config.path is the path to the lables translations of each button
  • default.image.path is the path to the images of the buttons
  • default.skin is the path to the CSS which handles the layout of the textarea
  • *default.config.path** could have the value of any sets supported by MarkitUp, like bbcode, dotclear etc... to use it you will add this set in the path of your choice and put this path in the mainconfig.ini.php file.

Here is an example (a little bit creazy, because the rules of transformation bbcode_to_xhtml does not exist, but you could create it ).

You just need to download the "set" bbcode from the markitup website and install it and set the path as below:

default.engine.name = bbcode
default.wiki.rules = bbcode_to_xhtml
; path to the engine file
default.engine.file = jelix/markitup/jquery.markitup.js
; define the path to the "internationalized" file to translate the label of each button
default.config.path = jelix/markitup/sets/bbcode/
; define the path to the image of buttons of the toolbar
default.image.path = jelix/markitup/sets/bbcode/images/
default.skin = jelix/markitup/skins/simple/style.css

Configuration jForms

So to add a wiki editor to a form, we will writte in the *.form.xml file:

<wikieditor ref="message" config="default" required="true">

where :

  • ref is the name of the textarea, here message
  • config is the config name used in the file mainconfig.ini.php
  • required if you want this textarea is mandatory