− Table of content
Jelix supports xml-rpc. this a protocol specified for data exchange in XML format.A client send a request containing XML content, an action to execute and parameters. Server executes action indicated with its parameters and send back an XML result.
RPC = remote procedure call
Entry point ¶
An XML-RPC request cannot be treated as a classic request, thus you can't use
"classic" request object. You have to create a specific
entry point in www/
directory, xmlrpc.php
. This entry point will instantiate
a jXmlRpcRequest instead of a jClassicRequest.
Use the command app:create-entrypoint
, by indicating the type xmlrpc
php dev.php app:create-entrypoint --type=xmlrpc xmlrpc.php
It will create the entrypoint xmlrpc.php
into your www/
and will declare it into the urls.xml
and framework.ini.php
You can then retrieve an url for a xmlrpc action like this:
$url = jUrl::get("module~action@xmlrpc");
Controller ¶
As XML-RPC is a specific request type, a controller filename must be suffixed by ".xmlrpc.php". A "default" controller file would be: "default.xmlrpc.php". (it can co-exists with a "default" classic controller such as "default.classic.php").
Controller content is similar to those of a classic controller. You just have to use a jResponseXmlRpc response (alias:"xmlrpc"):
class defaultCtrl extends jController {
function index(){
$resp = $this->getResponse('xmlrpc');
// any data types : integer, string, array, objects...
$data_php = ... ;
$resp->response = $data_php;
return $resp;
Client request ¶
To send a XML-RPC request, as specified in [[http://xmlrpc.scripting.com|xml-rpc spec]], you have to use a specific XML string:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<param><string>Allo ?</string></param>
The <methodName>
element indicates which action to execute. In a Jelix
application, it must be an action selector, here myModule:default:index
Note: "~" cannot be used as separator between module name and action name. It must be replaced by ":" (tilde character is not permitted in XML-RPC method name). As a result, it is mandatory to indicate in the selector: a module, a controller and an action.
To retrieve received parameters in your controller, you will do:
$parameters = $this->param('params');
Of course, $parameters
will contain "php" data. The XML string is
automatically decoded by jXmlRpcRequest