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Jelix 1.8.1

Section: AJAX

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Although Ajax means an XML response (X in AJAX), it is commonly used with other formats.

Depending on the client waiting either responseText or responseXml of an XmlHttpRequest object, you should use differents jelix response types.

  • for any generic XML content, you will use jResponseXml
  • for json encoded content, you will use jResponseJson
  • for html fragments, beware you must NOT use jResponseHtml, but jResponseHtmlFragment (see example below).
  • Or, in other cases, you would use jResponseText.

In your controller, you can use jApp::coord()->request->isAjax() to verify that the request is a true AJAX request (eg, made with XMLHttpRequest).

Sending HTML fragments

You can't use jResponseHtml as it always generates a full well-formed HTML with <html>,<head> and <body>... This is not what we want within an AJAX transaction.

jResponseHtmlFragment will serve your needs here:

   $resp = $this->getResponse('htmlfragment');
   $myvariable = ...

   // html to send
   $resp->addContent( '<p>'.$myvariable.'</p>' );

   // or with a template: 
   $resp->tplname ='myapp~tpl_for_ajax'; 
   $resp->tpl->assign('variable', $myvariable);

   return $resp;