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« Modifiers ^ Template plugins Html : Image »
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Many plugins are simple function that display something.


Displays the content of a zone

    {zone 'module~a_zone'}

this is equivalent to:


</div> </code>


With this plugin, you can get the content of a zone, so you can display it several times or you can test its content before the display.

{fetchzonecontent 'submenu', 'navigation', array('parent'=>3)}
{if $submenu !== ''}
<div id="submenu">
    <hr />


Display a localized string:

  {jlocale 'module~my.locale.key'}

The advantage to use it over the syntax module~my.locale.key, is that you can pass parameters if the content of the localized string is a formatted string for sprintf:

  {jlocale 'module~my.locale.key', array("str1", "str2")}


Allow to display the url of a jelix action:

  {jurl 'module~controler:action', array('id'=>$id)}

There are three possible parameters

  • the action selector: 'module~controler:action'
  • the optional parameters for the action array('id'=>$id)
  • a boolean to say if you want that some characters should be escaped (true) or note (false). true by default.

When you need to display a long list of result on many pages, you can use this plugin which ease to display links to all pages.

Here are parameters:

  {pagelinks <module~action>, <action parameters>, , 
             <index of current result>, <number of results per page>, 
             <offset parameter name>, <display properties>}


  <p>{pagelinks 'myModule~default_index', array(),  283, 60, 15, "offset"}</p>


  • module~action: selector of the action to display the next/previous page
  • action parameters: an array containing some parameters for the url. ex: array("param1" => 1, "param2" => "two")
  • <total number of results>: total number of items that correspond to your query
  • <index of current result>: offset of the first displayed item. For the first page, it is 0. For next pages, it is calculated automatically, and is stored into the parameter <offset parameter name>.
  • <number of results per page>: Number of result you want to display on a single page.

<display properties> is an array containing properties to display links. It is optional.

You can indicate several properties, like the number of page to display, the labels of some links (next, previous...).


  <p>{pagelinks 'myModule~default_index', array(),  283, 60, 15, "offset", 
     array('start-label' => 'Start', 
           'end-label' => 'End', 
           'prev-label'  => 'Previous', 
           'next-label'  => 'Next', 
           'area-size'  => 5)}</p>

Here are possible parameters:

  • @@start-label@ : Label of the link to the first page of results
  • prev-label : Label of the link to the previous page of results
  • next-label : Label of the link to the next page of results
  • end-label : Label of the link to the last page of results
  • area-size : Number of links to display, to pages that are before and after the current page. If 0 is given, all links are displayed.

If a label is empty, the corresponding link will never be displayed.

Don't forget you can give this array through a variable:

  $properties = array('start-label' => '',
                      'prev-label'  => 'preivous',
                      'next-label'  => 'next',
                      'end-label'   => '',
                      'area-size'   => 5);

In the template:

  <p>{pagelinks 'myModule~default_index', array(),  283, 80, 15, 
              "offset", $properties}</p>

You can also localize labels:

  $properties = array('start-label' => jLocale::get("bar~foo.pagelinks.start"),
                      'prev-label'  => jLocale::get("bar~foo.pagelinks.prev"),
                      'next-label'  => jLocale::get("bar~foo.pagelinks.next"),
                      'end-label'   => jLocale::get("bar~foo.pagelinks.end"),
                      'area-size'   => 0);

The plugin set some classes on generated html elements, so you can style them with CSS.

  • ul.pagelinks : css selector of the list of pages
  • li.pagelinks-start : css selector of the link to the first page
  • li.pagelinks-prev : css selector of the link to the previous page
  • li.pagelinks-current : css selector of the item showing the current page
  • li.pagelinks-disabled : css selector of disabled items (ex: the link to the next page is disabled when there is no more next pages)
  • li.pagelinks-next : css selector of the link to the next page
  • li.pagelinks-end : css selector of the link to the last page


  ul.pagelinks>li {
      display: inline;
  ul.pagelinks>li:before {
      content: ' | ';
  ul.pagelinks>li.pagelinks-start:before {
      content: '';

You can also use your own CSS class, by indicating them into the properties, like into this example:

  $properties = array(
      'start-class' => 'pagelinks-start',
      'prev-class' => 'pagelinks-prev',
      'next-class' => 'pagelinks-next',
      'end-class' => 'pagelinks-end',
      'list-class' => 'pagelinks',
      'current-page-class' => 'pagelinks-current',
      'page-class' => '',
      'disabled-class' => 'pagelinks-disabled'

html : urljsstring

This plugin allow to generate javascript code that will construct an url to an action, and that may contain some dynamic parameters that are stored into variables.

For example, we want this code:

  "/index.php/foo/default/bar?t=1547&param1=" + uneValeur + "&param2=" + (val*5)

Of course, you can write your javascript as is. But if the url is changed, you have to change this code.

urljsstring allow to avoid this change. It accepts three parameters:

  1. an action selector (ex: "foo~default:bar")
  2. an array of static parameters
  3. an array of dynamic parameters. Keys are parameters names, values are Javascript expression.

To generate the previous javascript code:

    {urljsstring "foo~default:bar" , array('t'=>1547) , 
                 array('param1'=>'uneValeur', 'param2'=>'(val*5)')}

To improve readability, you can use template variables:

    {assign $paramjs=array('param1'=>'uneValeur', 'param2'=>'(val*5)')}
    {urljsstring $selecteur , $paramstatic , $paramjs}

Note : urljsstring generates all the javascript code, including quotes for strings.

   // this is incorrect
   var foo = "{urljsstring $selecteur , $paramstatic , $paramjs}"
   // this is correct
   var foo = {urljsstring $selecteur , $paramstatic , $paramjs}

common : cycle

The plugin cycle allow to display cyclic values. It is useful in loops, when you want to display a different value at each step. Typical example:

  {foreach $list as $item}
   <tr class="{cycle array('odd','even')}">

Here, the plugin will display 'odd', then 'even', then 'odd' etc.

Controlling a cycle

There are two other plugins to have a better control on a cycle: cycle_init to initialize a cycle, and cycle_reset to reset the cycle (the next value will be the first value of the list).

  {cycle_init 'style1,style2,style3'}
  {foreach $list as $item}
   <tr class="{cycle}">
   {if $item == 'truc'}

Note that cycle_init accepts a string with values separated by a comma, or an array.

Named cycles

Perhaps you would want to reuse the same cycle in several places, or to use differents cycles in the same loop. To do it, you should name your cycle, by given a name at the first argument.

  {foreach $list as $item}
   <tr class="{cycle 'first', array('odd','even')}">
      <td class="{cycle 'styletd',array('style1,style2,style3')}">...<td>

  {cycle_init 'styles', 'style1,style2,style3'}
  {foreach $list as $item}
      <td class="{cycle 'styles'}">...<td>
      <td class="{cycle 'styles'}">...<td>

The result of the second loop will be:

      <td class="style1">...<td>
      <td class="style2">...<td>
      <td class="style3">...<td>
      <td class="style1">...<td>
      <td class="style2">...<td>
      <td class="style3">...<td>


Allow to use a resource form a module. File must be present in a www directory of the module.

    {resurl 'module', 'example.png'}



This is the module where the resource is located


The file, with it's path relative to the module's www directory

Additionnal parameters

This function plugin take 2 additionnal parameters:

In Theme ?

Pass true, as third parameter to declare if the resource is in a theme (default to false)


Pass false as fourth parameter not to escape special characters (default to true)


This modifier permits to display an avatar from the website http://gravatar.com/

To do so, you just need to provide the email in the template as follow :

{gravatar 'foo@bar.com'}

Thus, your gravatar will be displayed at wanted place in the template.



The Hook system permits to add in the templates of his choice, the fonctionnalities that we wish.

To exploit the hooks we will write in the template:

{hook 'eventname', $params}

where eventname is the event name triggered the grabbing of all the functionalities and $params is the array of parameters given to the listener answering to eventname.

Example :

{hook 'SampleBannerAnnouncement'}

will display a banner of announcement in the template of your choice by answering to the event SampleBannerAnnouncement.

Hooks naming convention

This will permit you to understand, by reading the event name, to which page / template the hook is linked. It's not a rule written in the stone, but a way to organize your futur hooks.

  • BeforeTemplateName
  • TemplateName
  • AfterTemplateName

where :

  • TemplateName is the name of the template where the hook is used
  • BeforeTemplateName is the name of the hook called at the beginning of the template TemplateName
  • TemplateName is also the place where the hook is called (in the middle of the template)
  • AfterTemplateName is the name of the hook called at the end the template TemplateName

How to respond to hooks ?

We have to produce a module :

  • a listener
  • a zone
  • a template

The Listener will be in charge of responding to the event in calling a zone:

class hookListener extends jEventListener{
   function onhfbSampleBannerAnnouncement ($event) {
        $event->add( jZone::get('hook~samplebanner_accouncement') );

The file events.xml to define the listener which will respond to the event:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<events xmlns="http://jelix.org/ns/events/1.0">
   <listener name="hook">
	<event name="hfbSampleBannerAnnouncement" />

The zone will exploit the data of your choice and will provide them to the template:

class samplebanner_accouncementZone extends jZone {
    protected $_tplname='zone.samplebanner_accouncement';
    protected function _prepareTpl(){    

The template will display the data:

<div class="grid_16">
    <div class="box">
<div class="clear"></div>

All of this will be returned to the Hook in the wanted template at the place you want.


For other plugins, see the API reference documentation