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An application is available to download : TestApp. It is an application which contains some examples and some unit tests for Jelix (It is usefull for developers who modify jelix).

We will take the TestApp example, but the explanations are valid for any application based on jelix

Files extractions

When decompress the testapp archive, you get the following directories :

  testapp/          application directory
      modules/      modules of the application
      responses/    common responses for the application
      plugins/      plugins of the application
      var/          contain all the files created or that can be modified by Jelix during execution
         config/    configuration files of the application
         log/       log files of jelix and of the application
      www/          root of the site of the application (document root)

Copy this directory in the mysite/ directory. You then have:


The tree structure of the sources is by default organized in order to install the application on a server on which you can specify the public root directory of the site (document root). This directory is mysite/testapp/www .

You will of course be able to change the place of these directories if, for example, you cannot change the document root. We will see how to do this further.

You will notice that the files of the application and those of the framework are separated. This way, you can share the lib directory with several applications.

Configuration files renaming

In testapp/var/config, you have *.dist files. Rename them by removing this '.dist' suffix.

Creating the temporary directory

Create the mysite/temp/testapp directory.

Directories permissions

You have to set write permission to apache user on the following directories :


Server configuration

Here is what you have to configure at server level.

If you can change the document root

If you can specify the document root of the site by modifying the configuration files of the web server or through an administration interface provided by your web hosting, indicate the mysite/testapp/www directory as the root of the site.

For example, with apache, you will indicate in the httpd.conf file, something like:

   <VirtualHost *>
      ServerName www.monsite.com
      DocumentRoot /var/monsite/testapp/www/ 

You must also indicate an alias towards the lib/jelix-www directory, by naming it to "jelix" :

   <VirtualHost *>
      ServerName www.mysite.com
      DocumentRoot /var/mysite/testapp/www/ 
      Alias /jelix/ "/var/mysite/lib/jelix-www/"
   <Directory "/var/mysite/lib/jelix-www/">
     AllowOverride None
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

Note : you can choose an other name for the alias of jelix-www. If you do this, you have to change the "jelixWWWPath" option in the configuration file of the application.

In the file mysite/testapp/var/config/defaultconfig.ini.php, you can adjust the basePath option, by specifying the path to the index.php file (here : /).


This setting is optional since Jelix try to discover the base path. But on complex configuration (for example, you have many entry points in different sub directories), it could not work correctly, so you have to setup this option.

Thus, by typing http:www.mysite.com you reach your site, and http:www.mysite.com/jelix/, the contents of jelix-www, which contains a number of useful Javascript scripts, XUL resources etc.

If you can't change the document root

In this case, it is better to move the content of the directory mysite/testapp/www to the root of your site, mysite/. You then move the following files : index.php, jsonrpc.php etc. After that, you have for example :


You have also to modify this three PHP files to change the relative paths they contain. Same for the testapp/application.init.php file. For example, the file index.php will look like this :

require_once ('lib/jelix/init.php');
require_once ('testapp/application.init.php');

require_once (JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH.'request/jClassicRequest.class.php');
$config_file = 'config.classic.ini.php';
$jelix = new jCoordinator($config_file);
$jelix->process(new jClassicRequest());

It is finally necessary to move the lib/jelix-www directory to the root and to rename it in jelix. You will obtain:


Note : you can choose an other name for the jelix-www directory. If you do this, you have to change the "jelixWWWPath" option in the configuration file of the application (mysite/testapp/var/config/defaultconfig.ini.php)

Finally, in the file testapp/application.ini.php, you must change JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH :

define ('JELIX_APP_WWW_PATH', realpath(JELIX_APP_PATH.'../').'/');

And in the file mysite/testapp/var/config/defaultconfig.ini.php, you can change the basePath option, by specifying the path to index.php (here : /) :


You can then enter the address of your site (http:www.mysite.com for example, or http:localhost/)

Specify an extension other than .php

On some servers, PHP4 and PHP5 are both proposed at the same time. In general, .php are PHP4 files and .php5 are PHP5 files. You then have to make modifications for your Jelix application to be able to use PHP5. Two ways, according to the possibilities you have :

With .htaccess

In the www directory of your application, add .htaccess file with :

  AddHandler php5-script .php

And that's all. If this doesn't work, se the following point.

By renaming the extension

You have to rename the index.php file in index.php5 (idem for the other php files in www : jsonrpc.php, xmlrpc.php etc..). But you don't have to rename the php files from the other directories !

In the config file var/config/defaultconfig.ini.php, put the extension in the urlengine section :

  entrypointExtension = .php5

Configuration for "cools" urls

In order to use significants URLS with the urls automatic system of jelix, you have to activate in Apache (in its configuration file or in the .htaccess) :

Options +Multiviews

With Apache 2, you have also to do this :

AcceptPathInfo on

To verify if it is ok, create a test.php on your site, which executes phpinfo(). Then try this url : monsite.com/test/foo/bar. the phpinfo should be displayed, and in the $_SERVER[’PATH_INFO’] variable (at the bottom of the page), you should see "/foo/bar”.