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You must install at least PHP version 5.2 (Jelix project supports gophp5 campaign). dom, simplexml, pcre, session, tokenizer and spl extensions are required (they are generally turned on in a standard PHP 5.2 installation).

Note about DOM and XML: check that the DOM extension is installed and the DOM-XML extension is not installed. Some distribution includes both (or only DOM-XML), and then it results in conflicting PHP errors within Jelix.

You can install a database connector too. For the moment, Jelix deals with mysql 4.1+, postgresql 8.0+, sqlite and PDO.

If you intend to use the inline scripts helping development (jelix-scripts), you need to install the command line version of PHP : PHP-CLI.

PHP configuration

  • magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime must be set to off. If this is not the case, you have to activate the magicquotes plugin delivered with Jelix.
  • session_auto_start must be set to off.
  • safe_mode must be set to off. (jelix not tested with on)

It is also recommended to set these values :

  • register_globals = off
  • asp_tags = off
  • short_open_tag = off

phpinfo() function can help you to see if these options are set with the right values. You can also watch in php.ini file of your server.

Configuration of PHP-Cli with MAMP (MacIntosh)

The MAMP software provides PHP-Cli. Perhaps there is also an other PHP-CLI already installed un MacOS. And then, the problem is that PHP-CLI for MAMP is not configured to access to the MAMP mysql.

The solution:

  • Open the /etc/profile file with administrator rights
  • Add this two lines at the end (change the path if it is not the good path)

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/bin:${PATH}
  • save

If you want to use the old PHP-CLI, delete this two lines.

Configuration of PHP-Cli under windows

You have to add the path to the php-cli binary in the PATH variable of your system.

  • right click on the icon of computer, then choose properties
  • In the system properties dialog, click on the "advanced" tab, then on the button to see the environment variables.
  • In "system variable", click on the PATH variable
  • Change the value of the PATH variable, by adding the path to the directory of the binary of php.exe. With WAMP for example, add c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6\. Don't forget to add a ";" to separate all paths.
  • validate and close the dialog
  • reboot

Then you can call php.exe from any directory, and from the jelix-scripts directory.