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When you want your module operates on rights, you need during the implementation of this module:

  1. Identify the subjects and values that you want to use or create
  2. Possibly record this subject and values in the system of rights used by the driver that you enable in jAcl: in LDAP if you use a driver ldap (not supplied for the moment) or a database if you use such as driver jAcl.db.

Then you can use the static methods of jAcl to know if the current user has right on a subject.

If the driver manages user groups, you do not have to specify them when you call jAcl: the driver takes care of automatically. Note that a driver can use jAuth for authentication.


First of all you must specify which driver you use for jAcl. The drivers are plugins stored in a directory acl of a repository of plugins. A plugin for jAcl is a class fooAclDriver (foo is the name of the plugin) which must implement the interface jIAclDriver and is stored in a file foo.acl.php. For example, the driver "db" is stored in db/db.acl.php and defines the class dbAclDriver.

In the configuration of the application, you should have a section acl:


The driver option indicates the name of the driver.

Using jAcl

You have only two static methods to know: check and getRight.


jAcl::getRight() allows you to know all values attached to the given subject, and for the current user. So it gives you all rights of the user for the given subject.

  $list = jAcl::getRight("cms.articles");

If we follow the example of the section about jAcl.db, if the user is a "reader", so the list will be:


If he is a writer:


You can indicates a resource, for example "opinions":

  $list = jAcl::getRight("cms.articles", "opinions");

If the user is a "reader", the list will be:

  array('LIST','READ', 'UPDATE');

If he is a" writer", the list is the same as previous, because all writers can modify any articles, as defined in the example of jAcl.db.



This is probably the method you use most with jAcl. It helps to know if the user has a particular right, and therefore return true or false. Example:

if( jAcl::check("cms.articles","CREATE")){
   // here the code to execute when the user has the right to create an article

   // here the code to execute when the user is not allowed to create an article

Of course, we can specify a resoure:

$article_id = "opinions";

if( jAcl::check("cms.articles","UPDATE", $article_id)){
   // here the code to execute when the user has the right to modify the given article
   // here the code to execute when the user is not allowed to modify this article

Automatic check

In controllers where you want to check the rights automatically, you can use the plugin jacl for the coordinator.

To do so, enable the plugin jacl in the application configuration:

jacl = jacl.coord.ini.php

Copy the file lib/jelix/plugins/coord/jacl/jacl.coord.ini.php.dist to var/config/index/jacl.coord.ini.php

Edit this file to indicate which actions to go in case of bad rights, or the message to display.

And in your controller, put the following values in the property $pluginParams:

   public $pluginParams = array(
         '*'=>array('jacl.right'=>array('subject', 'value') ...)

Or also, to verify several rights:

   public $pluginParams = array(
         array('subject', 'value'),
         array('subject', 'value'),

or to verify if the user has at least on right in a list of rights:

   public $pluginParams = array(
         array('subject', 'value'),
         array('subject', 'value'),

Template plugins ifacl and ifnotacl

Some plugins for jTpl are available to check rights inside a template, so to display or not some parts of a template. Arguments are same as jAcl::check().

  {ifacl "cms.articles","CREATE"}
    <input type="button" value="Create an article" />
   <p>You cannot create articles.</p>

ifnotacl is of course the opposite of ifacl.

Same thing with a resource:

  {ifacl "cms.articles","UPDATE", $article_id}
    <input type="button" value="Modify the article" />