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If a module has to implement access control or right management, you have to:

  • determine which subjects you'll use.
  • optionnaly store them with the driver setup for jAcl2, an LDAP driver or a database driver like jAcl2.db :
  • then, use jAcl2 static methods to check if the current user has this or that right on this or that subject.

If your jAcl2 driver supports user groups, you don't have to bother about them, your driver will take care of. Of course a jAcl2 driver can use jAuth as authentication system.


first step of jAcl2 use: you must set a driver to use with jAcl2.

Drivers are plugins in jAcl2 system. They are stored in acl2 folder of a plugins repository. A jAcl2 plugin is a class fooAcl2Driver (foo being the plugin name) implementing jIAcl2Driver interface and located in foo.acl2.php file. As for example, "db" driver is the class dbAcl2Driver in db/db.acl2.php file .

To configure an acl2, you should have an acl2 section in your application configuration, and assign the driver parameter :


Ask a question to jAcl2

As jAcl2 discovers on its own the current user, you have on 99% cases only one method to use: jAcl2::check


It will probably be the most used method for checking rights. It returns right or false, of course. Example :

if( jAcl2::check("cms.articles.create")){
   // current user has the right to create an article
   // current user has no right to create an article

If you want to check a right about a precise resource :

$article_id = "opinions";

if( jAcl2::check("cms.articles.update", $article_id)){
   // current user has the right to modify THIS article
   // current user has no right to modify THIS article

Automatic checking

If you want your controller to automatically check rights, you can use the jAcl2 coordinator plugin.

Just activate it in your application configuration.

jacl2 = jacl2.coord.ini.php

and copy its default configuration file from lib/jelix/plugins/coord/jacl2/jacl2.coord.ini.php.dist to var/config/index/jacl2.coord.ini.php

Edit this file to select which actions to execute or messages to display in case of failure of right access.

Eventually, in your controller, use the following values in $pluginParams :

   public $pluginParams = array(
        '*' => array( 'jacl2.right'=>'subject', ...)

Or, to check a sequence of rights about the current user :

   public $pluginParams = array(
     '*' => array( 'jacl2.rights.and'=>array('subject1', 'subject2', ..)

Or else, to check if current user has any of a sequence of rights :

   public $pluginParams = array(
     '*' => array( 'jacl2.rights.or'=>array('subject1', 'subject2', ..)

template plugins ifacl2 and ifnotacl2

jAcl2 comes with two template plugins useful to conditionnally generate content upon rights criteria. Their arguments are th same of jAcl2::check.

  {ifacl2 "cms.articles.create"}
    <input type="button" value="create an article" />
   <p>You cannot create an article.</p>

{ifnotacl2} is of course the contary to {ifacl2}, ie. it tests if the user does NOT have the right given.

And with a resource :

  {ifacl2 "cms.articles.update", $article_id}
    <input type="button" value="Edit article" />