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Jelix 1.2.13

Section: Meta

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see the API reference documentation



To add the links of jQuery in the header of your page, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html jquery}

this will load jQuery


To add the links of jQueryUI in the header of your page, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html jquery_ui 'components', array('widget','dialog','position')}
{meta_html jquery_ui 'theme'}

will load jquery, jqueryUI core and specified components + theme


to inform the <title> tag of your page, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html title 'Page Title'}


to load a javascript file, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html js $j_basepath.'js/global.js', array('charset'=> 'UTF-8')}

the second parameter has to be an array, it is optionnal, and allow to pass additionnal attributes to the <script> tag.


to load a javascript file targeting Internet Explorer, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html jsie $j_basepath.'js/globalie.js', array('charset'=> 'UTF-8')}


to load a CSS stylesheet, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html css $j_basepath.'css/screen.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}

the second parameter has to be an array, it is optionnal, and allow to pass additionnal attributes to the <link> tag.


to load a CSS stylesheet targeting Internet Explorer, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html cssie $j_basepath.'css/ie.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}


to load a CSS stylesheet targeting Internet Explorer 7, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html cssie7 $j_basepath.'css/ie7.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}


to load a CSS stylesheet targeting Internet Explorer < 7, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html cssltie7 $j_basepath.'css/ielt7.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}


to load a CSS stylesheet which is in the themes folder, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html csstheme 'screen.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}


to load a CSS stylesheet which is in the themes folder, targeting Internet Explorer, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html cssthemeie 'ie.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}


to load a CSS stylesheet which is in the themes folder, targeting Internet Explorer 7, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html cssthemeie7 'ie7.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}


to load a CSS stylesheet which is in the themes folder, targeting Internet Explorer < 7, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html cssthemeltie7 'ielt7.css', array('media'=>'screen, projection')}


to add inline CSS to your page, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html style array('body' => 'background-color: #b4d455')}


to add additionnal attributes to the <body> tag, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html bodyattr array('class' => 'special')}


to add words in a meta keywords tag, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html keywords 'foo, bar, foobar, barfoo')}


to add a description in a meta description tag, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html description 'Cette page contient des informations sur blablahblah..')}


to add author(s) in a meta author tag, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html author 'Jane Doe')}


to indicate the generatorin a meta generator tag, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html generator 'Jelix'}


to add additionnal content in the header of your page, you just need to do as follow :

{meta_html others '<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />'}