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Jelix 1.2.13

Section: Modifiers

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All template modifiers bundled with Jelix.


this modifier permits to display an avatar from the website http://gravatar.com/

To do so, you just need to provide the email in the template as follow :

{gravatar 'foo@bar.com'}

Thus, your gravatar will be displayed at wanted place in the template.



The Hook system permits to add in the templates of his choice, the fonctionnalities that we wish.

To exploit the hooks we will write in the template :

{hook 'event', $params}

where event is the event name triggered the grabbing of all the functionalities and $params is the array of parameters given to the listener answering to event.

Example :

{hook 'SampleBannerAnnouncement'}

will display a banner of announcement in the template of your choice by answering to the event SampleBannerAnnouncement.

Hooks naming convention

this will permit you to understand, by reading the event name, to which page / template the hook is linked. It's not a rule written in the stone, but a way to organize your futur hooks.

  • BeforeTemplateName
  • TemplateName
  • AfterTemplateName

where :

  • TemplateName is the name of the template where the hook is used
  • BeforeTemplateName is the name of the hook called at the beginning of the template TemplateName
  • TemplateName is also the place where the hook is called (in the middle of the template)
  • AfterTemplateName is the name of the hook called at the end the template TemplateName

How to respond to hooks ?

We have to produce a module :

  • a listener
  • a zone
  • a template
  • the Listener will be in charge of responding to the event in calling a zone

class hookListener extends jEventListener{
   function onhfbSampleBannerAnnouncement ($event) {
        $event->add( jZone::get('hook~samplebanner_accouncement') );
  • file events.xml to define the listener which will respond to the event

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<events xmlns="http://jelix.org/ns/events/1.0">
   <listener name="hook">
	<event name="hfbSampleBannerAnnouncement" />
  • the zone will exploit the data of your choice and will provide them to the template

class samplebanner_accouncementZone extends jZone {
    protected $_tplname='zone.samplebanner_accouncement';
    protected function _prepareTpl(){    
  • the template will display the data

<div class="grid_16">
    <div class="box">
<div class="clear"></div>

all of this will be returned to the Hook in the wanted template at the place you want


The jdatetime modifier permit to convert a date string in a format to another one. This modifier use the jDateTime class. Without parameter, this modifier expect a database string format(jDateTime::BD_DTFORMAT) and return a date in selected language format (jDateTime::LANG_DTFORMAT).

  <p>this date are {$myDate|jdatetime}.</p>

if $myDate='2006-04-12 01:05:26' an if language are en, then it display

 this date are 12/04/2006 01h05mn26s.

To use another formats, you have to use one of this string in modifier parameter :

parameter constant in jDateTime class format
'lang_date' jDateTime::LANG_DFORMAT date format of current application lang (with en, this is mm/dd/yyyy)
'lang_datetime' jDateTime::LANG_DTFORMAT date and time format of current application lang
'lang_time' jDateTime::LANG_TFORMAT time format of current application lang
'db_date' jDateTime::DB_DFORMAT date of classic database style : "YYYY-MM-DD"
'db_datetime' jDateTime::DB_DTFORMAT date and time of classic database style : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS"
'db_time' jDateTime::DB_TFORMAT timeof classic database style : "HH:mm:SS"
'iso8601' jDateTime::ISO8601_FORMAT format ISO8601
'timestamp' jDateTime::TIMESTAMP_FORMAT integer, number of seconds since 1/1/1970 (timestamp)
'full_lang_date' jDateTime::FULL_LANG_DATE full format date (i.e. day of week and month in letter) respecting language conventions (ex: thursday, may 27th 2010)

The first parameter is the format of date string to convert, the second one, the format to display.

  <p>this date are {$myDate|jdatetime:'db_date':'timestamp'}.</p>

if $myDate='2006-04-15' then it display

 this date are 1145052000.


this modifier permits to display a link to the user's email in the form of your choice :

several options can be used for that:

  • displaying an email in a classic form

{mailto array('address'=>'me@domain.com')}
  • displaying an email encoded in javascript

{mailto array('address'=>'me@domain.com', 'encode'=>'javascript')}
  • displaying an email encoded in hexa

{mailto array('address'=>'me@domain.com', 'encode'=>'hex')}
  • displaying an email following by the subject of this onejavascript

{mailto array('address'=>'me@domain.com', 'subject'=>'Hello to you!')}
  • displaying an email with 'cc' on severals email

{mailto array('address'=>'me@domain.com', 'cc'=>'you@domain.com,they@domain.com')}
  • additionals options are available, like a CSS class

{mailto array('address'=>'me@domain.com', 'extra'=>'class="mailto"')}


this modifier format a number to be displayed like explains in the PHP doc http://uk.php.net/number_format

for example :

{number_format $number, 2, '.', ''}


Modifier that truncates a string to a certain length if necessary, optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and appending the $etc string.



Modifier that cuts a html formated string and close all opened tags so that it doesn't inpact on the rest of the page. You should use this modifier in a zone so that the return value is cached

{$mytext|truncatehtml:150:"\n<a href="...">read full article</a>"} 