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From your classes, you can access to some global variables created by Jelix.


This object allow you to access to the configuration of the application. Each of its properties correspond to a configuration parameter stored in the defaultconfig.ini.php or the ini file of the entry point.

Calling gJConfig

Here is an example in a function/method:

function test()
   global $gJConfig;

// or, without using the global keyword

Accessing to parameters

If the config.ini.php file of the entry point has this content:

startModule = "testapp"
startAction = "main:index"
autolocale = index/autolocale.ini.php

Then you can retrieve this parameters, by doing this:

function test()
   global $gJConfig;

   $a = $gJConfig->startModule; // "testapp"
   $b = $gJConfig->coordplugins['autolocale']; // "index/autolocale.ini.php"


The $gJCoord object is the instance of a jCoordinator class, created in the entry point. You can then access to its method and properties to retrieve some informations and objects : plugins list, the current jResponse object, the current jRequest object, the current module name and action name etc.

Calling gJCoord

function test()
   global $gJCoord;

// or


If your entry point is called with the URL /index.php?test=1, here how to retrieve parameters and the script name:

function test()
   global $gJCoord;

   $a = $gJCoord->request->urlScriptName; // "index.php"
   $b = $gJCoord->request->params['test']; // 1