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Displaying a form with xhr

It is possible to display a form with xmlHttpRequest. In Javascript, you do a request to an action that will use a response htmlfragment, which in turn will contain the generated HTML code for the form. Like this:

class sampleformCtrl extends jController {

    function showajaxform()
        // retrieve form data
        $form = jForms::get('sample');
        if ($form == null) {
            $form = jForms::create('sample');

        // manage the form

        // return the HTML content of the form into an html fragment
        $rep = $this->getResponse('htmlfragment');
        $rep->tpl->assign('form', $form);
        $rep->tplname = 'sampleajaxform';
        return $rep;

With this template for example:

{form $form,'sampleform:save'}
    <div>{ctrl_label '', '%s: '} {ctrl_control}</div>
<p>{formreset} {formsubmit}</p>

To display it, you have to create an other action, which will display the full html page, and will embed the javascript code that will do the http request to retrieve the html content of the form.

This javascript code, stored into a "sampleajaxform.js" for our example, can be like:

function loadForm() {
    // we retireve the url of the action, that is into a data attribute of a element
    let urlAjaxForm = $('#theform').dataset.urlForm;

    // we do the request with jQuery
    jQuery.ajax(urlAjaxForm, {
        complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
            // we insert the content returned by the htmlfragment response,
            // into the theform element
        // ...

And the action that display the page can be:

class sampleformCtrl extends jController {

    function mainpage()
        $rep = $this->getResponse("html");
        $rep->title = 'show ajax form';

        // careful, things are missing here, see below ;-)

        $tpl = new jTpl();
        $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('mypage'));
        return $rep;

    function showajaxform()

With its template mypage:

<button onclick="loadForm()">Load the form</button>

<div id="theform" data-url-form="{jurl 'sampleform:showajaxform'}">
    // will be filled after clicking on the button

However there is an issue here: the jforms javascript library is not loaded. The form builder cannot add into an html header the script and links elements, with the htmlfragment response.

So you must include those additional scripts and stylesheets, in the response that display the full page (and so that does the http request). You can do it by calling the method outputMetaContent() of the form builder.


So, our action mainpage becomes:

class sampleformCtrl extends jController {

    function mainpage()
        $rep = $this->getResponse("html");
        $rep->title = 'show ajax form';

        // we add CSS and JS links for the form into the page,
        $form = jForms::create('sample');

        $tpl = new jTpl();
        $rep->body->assign('MAIN', $tpl->fetch('mypage'));
        return $rep;

    function showajaxform()

Submitting the form content with Xhr

During the submit of a form, the browser sends itself the content to the action of the form, and in returns it has to display a whole page.

However you may not want this behavior, and send yourself the content of the form to a web service, an action that will return some json data for example.

To do it, you have to indicate to jforms to send data with xhr (xmlHttpRequest).

In the javascript code loaded by the page, after its loading, you should call the method submitWithXHR(). This method can take some callback function as argument but we will see it later.

// When the form jforms_testapp_sample is loaded...
    function(form) {
          // says that we want to submit the form with Xhr

In the action that will receive the content, you must use the response object jResponseFormJQJson which will send back a json structure for the jforms library.

So this action could look like this:

class sampleformCtrl extends jController {

    function save() {

        // retrieve the object response for jForms
        $rep = $this->getResponse("formjq");

        // You can then use the jForms API as usual
        $form = jForms::fill('sample');
        if ($form->check()) {
            // the form is ok
        else {
            // the form has errors

        // attach the form object to the response
        // that's all
        return $rep;

In the response, you can indicate an error, by calling its setError() method. It takes a message and/or an url to redirect to. Calling this method prevents to display possible errors on fields, so you have to manage to display errors yourself.

$rep->setError('Sorry, this is an error');
// or an redirection
$rep->setError('', jUrl::get('mymodule~other:action'));

When the form is valid, you can indicate to display a new page with @@changeLocation()@:


In any case (valid form or not), you can also attach any data to the response, for your own purpose in the javascript side. You should use them by using a callback function indicated to submitWithXHR().

$rep->setCustomData(['my', 'data']);

In the web page, by default, when receiving the response, jForms will change the location of the page with the given url (indicated to changeLocation() or setError()), or display errors if any, or will do nothing if all is ok.

Obviously, after a submit, you may want to change this behavior, especially in the case where the form is valid. So you may want to indicate one or two callback functions to submitWithXHR(). The first one is called when the form is valid, and the second one, when it is not valid. Note that indicating a callback function prevent the default behavior.

For example, in case of a valid form, you may want to display a message, and do something after that.

    function(form) {
             // callback when the form is valid
             function(result) {
                document.getElementById('message').textContent = 'Content has been saved';

The callback for a valid form receives an object having these properties:

    "success": true,
    "customData": null, // or the value given to setCustomData()
    "locationUrl": "" // or the url given to changeLocation()

In cas of errors, if you used setError(), the object will be:

    "success": false,
    "customData": null, // or the value given to setCustomData()
    "locationUrl": "", // or the url given to setError()
    "errorMessage": "" // or the message given to setError()


    "success": false,
    "customData": null, // or the value given to setCustomData()
    "errors": {  // errors detected by jForms on each fields
       "champs1": "error 1",
       "champs2": "error 2"

It's up to you to do what you want with these data.