The page corresponding to the latest stable release can be seen in the Jelix 1.8 Manual
Developer manual

- ^ References
Class utilities
- jApp: directories of the application
- jFilter: verifying and filtering datas
- jDateTime: dates and times
- jHttp: http requests
- jMailer: sending mails
- jWiki: generating contents from wiki contents
- jSession: managing sessions
- jMessage: short messages between actions
- jFile: file processing
- jPref: using application preferences
Jelix 1.6.34
Chapter: Class utilities
^ References | Template plugins » |
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Documentation on Jelix utilities classes.
- jApp: directories of the application
- jFilter: verifying and filtering datas
- jDateTime: dates and times
- jHttp: http requests
- jMailer: sending mails
- jWiki: generating contents from wiki contents
- jSession: managing sessions
- jMessage: short messages between actions
- jFile: file processing
- jPref: using application preferences