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When a PHP error or an exception occurs, which isn't catched by your controller, the Jelix router (coordinator) generates a page with an HTTP 500 error. See the chapter about the error manager.

But you may want to generate an other error page or an other HTTP error.

Generating an http error with your own response object

This is the traditional way to generate custom HTTP errors in Jelix.

You create a response object, typically an html page, and you set an http code and a http message to it.

Here is an example, which display a page with a 404 error, if the given id parameter does not correspond to any record in a table.

    public function myaction() {
        $rep = $this->getResponse('html');

        $id = $this->param('id');

        $rec = jDao::get('mydao')->get($id);
        if ($rec === null) {

            // the record doesn't exist, let's return a 404 error

            $rep->bodyTpl = 'my404';
            $rep->setHttpStatus('404', 'Not Found');
            return $rep;

        // ...
        return $rep;

On any response object, you have a setHttpStatus() method to set the http return code.

Generating an http error with the default response for errors

Since Jelix 1.7.2, you can return an http error page with a simple exception.

Just create a jHttpErrorException exception, and a default error page will be displayed, with the HTTP error. You can also use jHttp404NotFoundException, jHttp401UnauthorizedException, or jHttp403ForbiddenException, which are just child class of jHttpErrorException.

Our previous example becomes:

    public function myaction() {
        $rep = $this->getResponse('html');

        $id = $this->param('id');

        $rec = jDao::get('mydao')->get($id);

        if ($rec === null) {
            // the record doesn't exist, let's return a 404 error
            throw new jHttp404NotFoundException()

        // ...
        return $rep;

To display the error page and return the http code, the router will instancy the response class which is registered for the response type htmlerror. By default this is the class jResponseHtmlError which uses the template jelix~http_error.html. You can set an other class, or redefine the template in a theme, to customize the page.